Phasmophobia Fun Tools

Ghost Hunting Tools

Ingame Challenges

Custom Challenges

Other links


PFT is a fanmade toolbox for Phasmophobia, made by PicoFox. Get help solving the ghost, get info about ghosts, create challenges and generate custom loadouts and difficulties!

The tools are client-side only and use JavaScript to generate many parts of the tools. Please disable script blockers if you encounter problems. Also, feel free to download the tools so you can enjoy them even if you do not have access to the internet or if the site goes down! Just don't sell the tools or pretend that you made them.

The development of most of the tools hasn't even started yet (TODO) and some are work in progress (WIP), so please be aware that the tools will change in the future! Check out the upcoming features list to see, what I have planned for the toolbox!

Extended Journal: Ghost Infosystem

Use this tool to look up all the info for a ghost. This includes information that is found inside the game's Journal, as well as hidden attributes, explanations, tricks and a link to the wiki.

Extended Journal: Evidence

With this tool you can figure out what ghost you are dealing with. Like the inagme's evidence page, enter the evidences you gathered. Additionally, you can enter hidden evidences, filter out ghosts smartly for Nightmare and Insanity mode, and so on!

Loadout Generator

Use this tool to generate a custom loadout based on your level and your preferences!

Difficulty Generator

This tool is used to generate a custom difficulty.

Ghost Gambling

Ghost Gambling is a fun challenge often done by Insym, one of the most known Phasmophobia streamers. Use this tool to play the challenge as well - without needing to resort to spinwheel-websites!

PFT v0.1.4 is made for Phasmophobia v0.9.0.10 with these sources

Made by PicoFox